Friday, September 5, 2008

Time to Take the Boat Home and More Construction

Winter is coming here in the far north, so it's time to take the boat out of the marina and put it in the yard.  

Magnus and I watch the operation after a boat ride across the harbor.

The best part for Magnus was the ride in the truck afterwards.

That's a two lane road, believe it or not.  Some roads are even narrower.  It makes driving a bit nervewracking.

Aurora is skipping rope in the street when we return.

Magnus watches from the safety of the trampoline.

Afterward the kids play on the new digging machine.  Matthias "drives" while Magnus hitches a ride.

The digging part is done.  Now it's time to fill in the hole with rocks.  This, along with the pipes and plastic, should solve the leaky basement problem.  We also have sewage again!:)

Now that big brother is off doing other things, Magnus takes his turn driving.

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