Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"You Call Me Sweetie Peetie Right Now!"

Magnus doesn't quite understand the concept of nicknames. He noticed one day that I call him Sweetie Peetie and tells me, "I'm not Sweetie Peetie, I'm Magnus." I tried to explain what nicknames were, but eventually just convinced him that "sweetie peetie" meant "big boy."

Tonight as I was walking along next to him while he was riding his bike, I made the terrible mistake of calling him "baby." He slammed on his brakes and looked up at me with a scowl on his face.

"I am not a baby, I am a sweetie peetie. You call me sweetie peetie right now!"

"Yes, you are a sweetie peetie," I told him in a very serious voice. "You are not a baby."

With that settled he happily went on his way.

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