My x-rays were an interesting experience. Not one person spoke English. Despite the language barrier, the entire process went incredibly smoothly and I was on my way to the dentist. I was a little nervous about my consult. It's hard not to be nervous about wisdom teeth extraction, and after my interesting encounters with Norwegian health care I was a little skittish about any medical/dental treatments in other countries.
My dentist was a very wonderful woman who put all my fears of inadequate care at ease. I made my appointment for the extractions without hesitation. By the next evening, I'd be a couple of teeth lighter.
Now that my business was concluded, I had the rest of the day to continue my explorations of the city. I decided to head toward the University Church and continue my tour of Hungarian churches.
About halfway up the escalator from the subway, I finally got my bearings in the city. My spidey senses were once again working properly, and I could now feel what was safe and what was dangerous. The essence of Budapest had finally penetrated my skin and I was now in tune with the city.
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