I first ran across this invention in Budapest. It seems that Germans and some Soviets felt the need to inspect their feces before flushing it. My Internet research not only uncovered the technique you need to successfully flush your poop after you've inspected it, but also numerous people who vehemently defend the invention.
In case you ever find yourself in a situation that requires using the GPST, let me explain the maneuver know as the Magic Carpet. You lay several layers of toilet paper on the shelf, then do your business on the toilet paper. When you flush, the water will flow under the paper and move it off the shelf and into the water below. These toilets are notorious for their low water pressure, so no amount of flushing will remove the poop from the shelf unless you successfully pull a magic carpet.
The toilet paper left in the toilet is a testament to the lack of water-pressure. Before you get all grossed out, let me assure you that it was only paper I blew my nose with. Three flushes later it was still hanging out and silently mocking me.
For more information on this wonderful invention, visit: http://www.banterist.com. The article made me laugh until I had tears running down my face.
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