Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Vacation and a Head Cold

Due to internet problems, I haven't been able to post this past week.  I did get out today.  And I took some photos of more fine European footwear.  I'll post some pics of Tønsberg and some more stories soon, right now I'll leave you with the photos.

Gold soccer shoes by Nike.  For about $100 you can strut in style down the soccer field.  It won't make you faster or play better, but it will make everyone look at you.

Primary color high tops.  1995, here we come!

More gold and silver track shoes.  Totally hot.  And another glimpse of the awesome hightops.

These shoes are the ultimate cool.  First, there's the velcro.  For the child in all of us.  Available in either two-tone white or super shiny silver.

And finally.  These shoes are priceless.  Up top there's the shiny plastic Adidas.  Available in high top or low profile.  And down below we've got the best of the early 90's.  My favorite are the ones on the left.  DC has shown that one pattern will never go out of style: zebra print.

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