Friday, October 10, 2008

More Toddler Logic

Last night, Magnus wouldn't go to sleep.  His reason?  He was a big boy, five years old in fact, and didn't have to go to bed early.  Linda tried to get him to just play quietly in his bed, knowing he'd soon get tired.  He took this deal for a little bit, then he decided he didn't like it.  

He hollared from the top of the stairs, "I don't have to go to bed!  I'm a big boy!  I'm five!"  

Linda couldn't keep him in his bed for more than a few minutes.  He'd be up again and proclaiming that five- year- olds don't have to go to bed early.

Next it was time for Aurora to go to sleep.  She asked Linda to read her a story.  Pretty soon Linda hears feet on the floor and Magnus saying, "I'm coming, I'm coming.  Now I'm running."  

He stopped dead in his tracks as he entered Aurora's room and saw Linda.  He did a quick about face and ran back to his bed.

A few minutes later she heard the sound of feet again, "I'm coming, I'm coming.  Now I'm running."

Linda calls out, "I'm still in here."

He makes a last minute turn and goes into her room.  By the time she was done reading the story to Aurora, Magnus had fallen asleep on her bed.  

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