Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name

I'm feeding Magnus yogurt for aftens (the 4th meal of the day).  He tells me he wants "corni."  I have no idea what corni is and he won't actually come get it, he'd rather give me directions to it.  I finally happen upon the dry cereal cupboard.

"Oh!  You want oatmeal in your yogurt," I say.

"No, corni."

The only other thing I can see that would work in yogurt is granola.  



I wander over to the table with the oatmeal to see if I can just pass it by him.  Unfortunately he sees what I'm up to.

"No!!!" he exclaims as he pushes the container away.

"You're going to have to show me then," I tell him.

This time he gets up and goes to the dry goods cupboard.  He looks and looks for his corni.  

I show him the container of oatmeal one more time and ask, "Is this corni?"


We wander back to the table and I put oatmeal on his yogurt.  Oatmeal apparently isn't oatmeal when it's put on yogurt.

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