Friday, October 10, 2008

Toddler Logic

Magnus has recently had a step back in toilet training, so he's back in training pants.  Monday, however, he wanted to wear his Lightning McQueen underwear.  I explained to him that he couldn't, that he had to wear these.  

"But I peed in these."

Thinking this wasn't possible since he just got off the pot I say "No you didn't."

"Yes I did.  Look."

I look in his pull-ups and yes, he did.  He then says, "Now I can wear my Lightning underwear."

And he happily strips off his pull-ups chanting, "wet, wet, wet."  He rolls them up and throws them away, very proud that his plan worked.  

He wasn't very happy when I got out a new pair of pull-ups and asked him to put them on.  Curses! His brilliant plan was foiled!  

I explained that he had to not pee in his pull ups for several days before he could wear his Lightining underwear again.  Several days is roughly a year in toddler time, so this didn't smooth the situation over.  

Letting him wear two Lightning McQueen shirts, however, did.  

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