Saturday, December 6, 2008

Budapest- Day 2

After waking up and getting dressed, I headed out for the rendezvous I had planned with a girl from Couch Surfing. I originally figured I had time to walk to the Kerepes Cemetery and see the Foucault Pendulum before I met up with Boro. I got off at the wrong tram stop, but I was able to take some beautiful pictures and get a coffee at a local coffee shop.

This left me just enough time to walk up the street to the cemetery and take the tram back to the plaza. I was also unable to find the pendulum. The walk in early morning Pest was nice though. It gave me a chance to people watch. I also had a free minute to jump on the Internet in McDonald's and email some friends.

McDonald's is actually kind of neat in Budapest. It's a cross between a traditional McDonald's and a Starbucks with cheap Internet access. It's strange to be able to get a surprisingly good macchiato and a fresh-made croissant with your egg McMuffin.

Boro showed up almost exactly on time. After introductions, she took me on a tram to Castle Hill.

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