Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stavanger: In the Beginning

The train ride to Stavanger was beautiful, the beauty of this country really is amazing. Huge mountains, valleys with little villages nestled inside and the fjords. After over eight hours of travel I stepped off the train into weather several degrees warmer than I was used to. The family met me at the train station, and after a quick night- time tour of the city we were on our way to my new home.

The family was very friendly, and we talked the entire way to their house. My room was really small, but I figured I could make do. I was tired from my journey, but I stayed awake and talked to them for several hours. They really had lived an amazing life and I was eager to hear all about it.

They came to Norway with $20 in their pockets and worked their way up from the bottom. They both had university degrees, but found themselves with no other option but to take jobs washing dishes. While they were away at university, their home town was invaded by Armenians. There had been trouble for years, the wife had been home on vacation when the house she was staying at was bombed. Once the occupation happened, they had become refugees in their own country. They could no longer return home. They showed me their former homes on Google earth, there was nothing left but the foundations.

Their lives and struggles were things I couldn't even imagine. It was an absolute pleasure to speak to them every evening.

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