Friday, May 8, 2009

Illness Strikes

I've just gotten over a nasty bout of food poisoning. I think it was salmonella. I have never been so sick. Ironically I think I contracted the bug upon my return to Norway. The only other thing it could have been was the water in Poland. It's unlikely, and I was specifically told that water was safe.

I've been uploading and organizing photos like crazy. Check the sidebars for new links. Stories are soon to follow.

1 comment:

Jan J. said...

I've read a bit of your blog, and I think you may be better off changing your doctor. You can do this by ringing HELFO at 8959500, or just do it yourself at

(If you do not wish to use the internet for this, it is common to block the internet solution. But you get a lot of useful info on the pages)

I recommend you check the page where they list the available GPs, and show how many patients are on their lists. Obviously, too many patients mean a very busy doctor with long waits.
Although possibly she/he will be popular for a reason.

If you are expecting to use the GP a lot, you may wish to check the office hours (Few patients may just mean that the doctor does not work a full position. And how old the doctor is. A young doctor is far more likly to be fluent in english, and be accessible by email.)

You can change your GP up to once a month.

Also, I'd check the rules on the drugs you are using. Some drugs prices are tax-deductible (keep the reciepts), and some are free if you need more than a certain amount per year. (You get the money refunded. Keep the reciepts again.) Rules vary by the drug and condition, and can be complicated.

If you indeed wanted a drug not commonly available in Norway, what you do is ask to see a specialist, and ask for it on "registeringsfritak" I think the term is. Not a 100 % sure of that word.