The passports have been returned and we're now waiting just inside the border. The customs officials need to go over every inch of the bus to make sure no one is smuggling anything into the country. The bus is packed with bug sprayers, laundry detergent and vegetables. There's an interesting mix of people on the bus. A few Polish students, several Ukrainian woman with big hair and black and gold shirts, and lots of alcohol.
One of the women re-sprays her big hair and does some primping in the driver's rear-view mirror. She then digs into her bag, pulls out a scrap of ham, then starts insisting someone try it. The two women in front of me keep trying to politely decline it. Finally, one of them takes the proffered chunk. She holds the pork like it's a used Kleenex and quickly searches for something to wrap it in.
Another woman starts complaining that she lost something. She looks in the air vents on the floor and the holes in the ceiling where the air conditioining and reading lights once were. She never did find what she was looking for.
Some of the passengers go off in search of a toilet. I join them, since I don't know when I'll find a toilet again. We get yelled at for going to an unauthorized area. All of us turn and leave except the pork woman. She argues with the border guard and keeps trying to explain that she just needs to use the bathroom, that she must use the bathroom. It's a funny sight, but I keep walking back to the bus. I do not want to get caught up in the ruckus.
Shortly after, the bus starts up again and I think we are on our way. Unfortunately we only drove about 20 meters before stopping again.